Small Stories: Sugar Break (Chapter 3)

Ed eccoci qui al Chapter 3 di Sugar Break, francamente avrei così tanto da dire riguardo Sugar Break non solo riguardo il fatto che sto iniziando a rivedere le mie stime riguardo la grandezza di questa “small story” ma allo stesso tempo si potrebbe dire che quando mai Sugar Break finirà potrei passare a qualcosa di diverso per Small Stories per il lungo andare.

Infatti proprio per questo si potrebbe dire che questo capitolo è abbastanza importante, non perché ancora non vi mostro dove i nostri personaggi andranno a finire, ma perché serve per dare un piccolo indizio riguardo altri dettagli che saranno importanti in futuro, non solo per Sugar Break ma anche per altri elementi che riguardano Project1

Prima di continuare, voglio ricordare un piccolo particolare nel caso qualcuno dal Wattpad passa al mio sito, io pubblicherò ogni singolo capitolo di Sugar Break prima sul mio sito web per poi pubblicarlo su Wattpad dopo qualche giorno, questo è per rendere chiara l’idea che io considero in parte il mio sito web come una sorta di patreon

Perché Chapter 3 è importante

Chapter 3 di Sugar Break lo considero importante perché da una prima idea del HQ, uno dei posti che in Project1 sarà nascosto meglio ma che allo stesso tempo come dice chiaramente il nome, funge da quartier generale del mondo, cosa che però allo stesso tempo non è importante per questa storia ma lo sarà per le storie future legate a Project1.

Ma sfortunatamente non posso ancora dire molto riguardo Project1 al di fuori dei dettagli che mostrerò tramite Sugar Break, manco il nome effettivo visto che come potete ben capire, non può essere un nome definitivo e non so quando effettivamente dire almeno quello, quindi ripeto anche una cosa che non so se ho detto in passato.

Qualsiasi dettaglio che riguarda il mondo di Project1 che viene detto in Sugar Break non è definitivo, infatti sarebbe difficile che entro la fine dell’anno, quando ho intenzione di pubblicare Project1 in qualche modo, tutto rimane stabile, infatti come avete visto nei primi due capitoli, il mondo si stava ancora costruendo e cambiando.

Il futuro di Sugar Break

In origine non volevo che Sugar Break diventasse qualcosa di grosso, infatti nell’idea originale Chapter 3 doveva già essere abbastanza avanti nella trama, considerando come l’idea di Small Stories doveva essere roba abbastanza semplice da digerire, cosa che invece non sta accadendo per problemi che la trama e altri requisiti che m’ero imposto richiedono.

Infatti devo essere abbastanza onesto ora, Chapter 3 e Chapter 4 di Sugar Break saranno effettivamente gli ultimi prima che avranno quasi nulla, infatti stiamo per arrivare al sodo della storia, e questo continuerà fino a Chapter 19, dove poi ci starà un lungo prologo prima che poi, giusto come ciliegina sulla torta potrei forse convertire un roleplay in una small story.

Ovviamente il seguito di Sugar Break non avrà questo nome, infatti avrà un nome totalmente diverso e poiché il roleplay è ancora in corso non posso dire quando mi sarà sicuro convertirlo dall’essere una massa di messaggi mandati durante intere settimane in un Small Story, già il dover finire Sugar Break è importante per dare senso al sequel.

Sugar Break Chapter 3

After a few minutes we finally reached the HQ entry point, it still surprised me how it is just like an entrance for an underground bunker, but maybe at the end of the day is the better option, even if it might get covered by some building soon, or at least this is what I knew until now as Mark, as soon we arrived at the destination had to say something.

“You know that I will be moving this entry point from here? I noticed so many problems with this map I might be forced to remake it from the ground up, of course I will make sure to tell you what will change, I will not leave you in the darkness, unless you like surprises” said Mark, which confused me at first

“So that means Crosm might be pulled back to the HQ? or he will wake up before the map will be remade? I’m just curious as to why this stuff” I asked, while Mark was busy opening the entry point and at the same time, I still wasn’t sure about what Crosm might have to do when he would wake up

“To be fair there’s even more, an instability over a single character, you might remember him but to be frank, he will never come back” Mark sounded like I hit some nerve while saying that, but he made it clear of who he was talking about

“That dude needs to take a chill pill, he already was a mess in the single virtual rooms, why he needs to truly get here if he’s always acting crazy? I swear some people claim that wants to help but at the end are unable to stay calm” I knew who he was talking about, and at the same time the fact he wasn’t nice to both Mark and Crystal creator meant a lot at the same time, who would want such a crazy person and his creation to prosper in a world with other people and creators?

“That why I and She decided to increase our output, in fact there’s some stuff to show you when we get  to the HQ” Mark said, the fact he confirmed that a certain individual will never come back to our world, at least it means we’re going to have less dead time

After that small talk we both got into the elevator to the HQ, which took a while considering how at the end of the day, is supposed to be a place hard to reach by pure accident, and anyway there are many security checks which are not implemented yet on this entrance, as of course, Mark forgot to implement them but at least only me and Crystal are allowed to get inside, as of course we can’t spend all of our time in an empty world or even stay in the HQ for too much time.

But it seems I was wrong about the security checks, in fact as we ended descending I didn’t found myself in the HQ itself but in front of a door, which didn’t had any kind of visible handle but there was a fingerprint reader acting as a way to get in, I was surprised but at the same time I couldn’t not think that something might have happened if he implemented security where I was supposed to be the only living person.

“What happened to the HQ? why there’s a door with a fingerprint reader? Are you hiding something that happened while I was all alone in that place?” I quickly shouted as at the same time I was shaking a bit, this sounded like Mark is making up the entire idea of a break to involve me into something dangerous, is true that has been long from when I had some moments where I was in actual risk, but I still can’t get over the feeling

 “First of all, calm down, HQ is still fine I just had to move it, I didn’t wanted to keep it attached to this map as I will reset it, the fingerprint reader is for security, as there will be some activity in the future in the entire world and well I was hiding the fact there’s not a train system that connect the entry points to the actual HQ” said Mark, which actually calmed me down as it surprised me, but he could have told me something before doing this.

After that I decided to quickly try the fingerprint reader in order to know if it was real or was some sort of prank that Mark wanted to pull off, not that he’s fully the type to commit to make pranks but at the same time you can never truly know somebody, especially if they’re your creator, to my sincere surprise at the end the fingerprint reader wasn’t just real, but had my fingerprints already in the database as the door opened after using it

“Well, let’s go then, the train might start soon, oh wait, I forgot that in reality the trains don’t follow a real schedule, they just come as you fully cross the door, don’t worry, aren’t small trains but full metro type trains, so you can even be on the other side while we’re getting there” said Mark, as he was already going for the train which was just arriving to the platform

As the train arrived to what Mark labeled as a train station we both got inside, even while I was still feeling somewhat uneasy for all this happening at once, somehow I had a feeling that even if he wanted me to lower my guard I have instead to increase it, during the travel I noticed the train would pass other stations that were on the route, this was extremely strange as I was pretty sure the world was still empty outside where I was, but I had to ask

“Hey Mark, can you tell me why there are other stops on the route? It can be that my area was left like that because you were busy with the other towns and islands? If so did you deployed somebody to those lands or is still empty of life?” While asking I wasn’t sure if Mark was hearing me or not as he had his headphones plugged into his phone and who knows if he was listening to some music in the meanwhile.

“As you know there are other continents outside where you were placed, but at the same time some continents will get multiple entry points, that’s why there are others stops and to be fair I prefer a round route then a mess of lines” answered Mark, as he took out his phone, knowing that there is no signal underground or in general outside the HQ itself.

The rest of the travel went by without any kind of problem, was just curious to see that the other stops didn’t had any type of name but just a number, as we got to the HQ we quickly got off the train and inside, nobody was there as it was kind of expected, in fact was pretty normal Mark would have been alone inside while was deciding what to add and what to remove in this world.

“Before I forget, go drop the key in your office then to to the shape shifting machine so that we get across the portal we don’t look extremely out of place, the setting should be called SR_Manu” Said mark, while at the same time was strange that he wouldn’t explain more when it came to look out of place, is where we’re going someplace where they look so different from normal people?

“I suppose you too would have to use the shape shifting machine, right? If you’re telling me I must use it then you aren’t immune either, is that world really going to make you powerless?” I asked, trying to get as much information was possible because when it involves the portal you never truly know where you will end up but at the same time, I hoped to get more information at the shape shifting machine.

“Yeah I have as well, but that doesn’t truly matters at the end, powers or not powers this can’t really stop enjoying a break from this empty world should it? Anyway be quick as after I end configuring the portal I hope to boot it up quick” Mark said, while at the same time it felt like somehow we were in a sort of time limit, which wasn’t making that much sense, why there would really be the need to rush things instead of doing them with calm?

I went to my office after that small talk where I left the key I always have with me, Mark gave it to me without truly saying what it is supposed to pen but by just saying that time will show me the locked door where I need to use it, I had this key even when I wasn’t still allowed in this world so I suppose at the time he wasn’t still sure what to do, at least he’s allowing me to keep my headphone and music player, or so I hope considering I have yet to see what I will turn into.

The shape shifting machine, I already had to use it once when he told I was assigned to where I was until some hours ago but it still feels strange, I was pretty sure the shape shift was supposed to be done through the use of pills but even so, now isn’t the time to have doubts, I approached the machine in order to use it, as Mark said the setting was supposed to be called SR_Manu so after selecting it I decided to give it a quick look in order to gain some sort of information.

But as I was trying to open the file the machine clearly crashed, this didn’t happen last time, I got slightly worried if this could have happened when I was inside and what the result could have been in that case, as I wasn’t able to restart the machine the only option was to get Mark to fix it before I could turn this situation into a bigger mess

“Mark, we have a problem, the shape shifting machine broke, I’m not sure why it had to broke after I selected the setting you told me” I quickly told Mark as I reached him in his office, as he was clearly busy checking some papers that I’m not sure if were supposed to be there as he was slightly worried as was checking them

“The machine broke? Oh, this isn’t good, you just selected the SR_Manu setting as I told you right? In that case don’t worry give me the time to fix this issue with the area where you were and I will do it, in the meanwhile, you can stay and if you want ask me more about where we’re going and your ideas about what SR truly is” Said Mark, who clearly didn’t expected the machine to broke by just selecting the setting but at the same time I feel like he did expect me to dig about it.

I was going to truly ask what it meant SR but at the same time wasn’t sure if asking would have led me into getting an actual answer or it was going to be another nothing burger, so I wasn’t sure what I could really ask him, so I decided to play it safety by asking about the area where I was so I could understand more about what it was going to truly be.

“How many people are supposed to be deployed in the area where I was living those past days? Considering the number of offices and trees I must suppose that are a huge number which isn’t maybe too far for what we can produce in the HQ?” Just going with a safe question sounded like it can’t go wrong, but at the same time is also possible he doesn’t want to scare me considering I know how many bodies HQ can truly produce at the moment

“You want the current estimate or just a random number? Because if you want the current estimate we reached something around 2400 people of which almost 1000 are going to be drivers, this might increase even further because there are a lot of missing shops which would be required for a town of that size compared to real life and this doesn’t even include the garages for the karts in the inner residential area, would be safe to say we might even reach 3000 people way before I have introduced the political background of the world” Just with that, I was fully shocked

“I hope you took also the time to implement some good security, I can’t always keep an eye on over 1000 people myself, and well I’m not surprised, considering that wasn’t even going to be like a capital of the country or you think it might become one considering everything?” I asked, while at the same time I was still trying to elaborate what he said, for some reason I was also feeling like Mark was getting some of his strange moments where he’s calm at one moment then goes angry in the next.

“Don’t worry too much about the security, to be fair is already going to be so heavy that I feel bad for the police force I decided to deploy in the town, I should maybe increase that before it goes bad, anyway would you take a look at this?” He said, as was giving me a piece of paper which illustrated what looked like an apartment, but was different from the one I lived for a while on the surface

“That’s the revision for the apartments of the many complex I will have to build, this was made mostly from the creator of Crystal as that day I was busy with personal stuff, anyway I think is time to go check why the shape shifting machine isn’t working and to be fair I have a clue as to why” And as Mark said so we started going to the shape shifting machine, I was a bit worried he would have noticed that I accidentally caused the crash.

As we got to the shape shifting machine Mark was quick to get to the console to read what caused the crash in the first place and then restart it, he didn’t looked too much surprised when he was reading the crash log almost like he saw it coming and just needed some kind of confirm of his theory, not even 5 minutes later he started the procedure to restart the machine which was going to take another 10 minutes in order to start it properly.

“Habits are hard to die right? But to be fair that’s one good habit because if it wasn’t for your curiosity and sense of doubt as an ex super high school level spy you would have been in one hell of a pickle even if it was going to be easy for me to fix it, anyway the reason why it crashed is because I forgot to send the exact specifications of the shape you were going to have, something I will be fixing right now” Mark clearly saw through what happened and to be fair maybe it was the right call to check everything before trying something.


E con questo siamo arrivati alla conclusione del Chapter 3 di Sugar Break, con molta probabilità il Chapter 4 potrebbe arrivare entro la fine del mese, ovviamente ci potrebbero essere delle modifiche in base a quello che m’accadrà nella vita reale, in quanto già per problemi personali non avevo potuto pubblicare Chapter 3 a gennaio il che m’aveva spinto a pubblicarlo ora a Febbraio.

Inoltre vorrei aggiungere un’altra nota, allo stesso tempo in cui sto postando questi capitoli sto anche creando delle pagine in un certo sito Fandom, ovviamente dirlo ora rovinerebbe la sorpresa di Sugar Break ma allo stesso tempo non credo che sarebbe troppo difficile capire di quale Fandom ex Wikia sto discutendo, nello specifico perché non sono molto attivo su Fandom per iniziare.

Ah inoltre in questo capitolo di Sugar Break non ci sarà nessuna immagine, francamente potrei proprio abbandonare l’idea di tentare di soddisfare i requisiti di Rank Math perché già ho fatica a vedere come mettere il tutto insieme al di fuori di creare una pagina unica abbastanza grossa, forse alla fine dei conti arriverò a quello ma solo il tempo potrà dirlo.